improving roadway development performance


process improvement


new mining technologies


Mining Technologies

In addition to examining current mining and equipment configurations the models developed were able to be used to project a potential evolution of the roadway development system with the potential application of self drilling bolts and continuous haulage systems, as shown in Figures 21 – 24. It should again be noted that this study is an evolution of the roadway development process where the constraint (wheeling or supporting) is first identified, and an improvement introduced to overcome that constraint. The next constraining factor is identified and another improvement introduced to overcome this in turn, and so on (further understanding of the Theory of Constraints can be obtained from Eliyahu M Goldratt's books "The Goal" and "The Theory of Constraints").

Firstly, the panel is equipped with a miner-bolter and one shuttle car and is installing 6 roof bolts and 4 rib bolts per metre advance and is in effect bolter constrained as shown in Figure 21.


Figure 21: Process Rate Prior to Introduction of New Technologies (miner-bolter and one shuttle car)

The introduction of a bolter-miner was expected to result in a significant improvement of the process rate as compared to the original system utilising a miner-bolter, as shown in Figure 22.


Figure 22: Process Rate with Introduction of Bolter-Miner (one shuttle car)